

Monday 16 November 2015

Two piece set for 5" Berenguer Doll

Two piece set
Double knit yarn

Needles 3.75 cm

Cast on 60 st and knit 2 rows
Next row: purl
Starting with a knit roll continue in stock stitch until work measures 4 cm

Next row k3 tog across row (20) stitches

Next row: purl
Next 3 rows: knit

Cast off

Sew up side seam


Cast on 26 stitches
K 3 rows
Purl next row
Continue in  in st st until work measures 3 cm

Next row (right side) knit 6 stitches and turn for armholes
St st next 3 rows
Next row : k2 tog, in to end
Next row: Purl
Cast off

Rejoin yarn and knit next 14 stitches
Turn and purl next row
Continue in st st for 7 rows
Cast off

Rejoin yarn to remaining 6 stitches and knit to end
Purl next row
Continue in st st for 5 rows
Next row p 2 tog (wrong side) p to end
Next row: Knit
Next row : Purl

Cast off

Sew shoulder seams

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