

Sunday 28 November 2021

Christmas Cheer Tea Cosy


Christmas cheer tea cosy

Fits 1 cup tea pot 

Approx 25  grams Dk yarn  approx 10 grams in 3 colours

3.75 mm needles 

Ribbon or cord

Knit 2 pieces

Cast on 34 stitches in white yarn

Knit 4 rows in garter stitch (every row knit) 

Change to red 

Next Row 1: * k1, p1 repeat from * to end

Next Row 2: * p1, k1 repeat from * to end

Repeat the 2 rows twice more 

Change to green

knit 2 rows in garter stitch 

Change to white 

Next row: knit

Next row: purl

Repeat 1 more time

Change to red

Knit 6 rows

Change to white

Knit 2 rows

Change to green

Next Row 1: * k1, p1 repeat from * to end

Next Row 2: * p1, k1 repeat from * to end

Repeat the 2 rows twice

Change to white

Next row: knit

Next row: knit

Change to red 

Next Row 1: k to end

Next Row 2: p to end

Repeat the 2 rows 2 times

Knit 2 rows in garter stitch

Cast off

Join sides leave gap for handle and spout

With 2 strands of yarn start at centre from just below cast off and sew running stitches around top of cosy, pull tight  and tie at front. Knot  both ends.

Copyright taffylassknits © 2021

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Sunday 21 November 2021

Trailing Bow Bookmark


Oddments of dk yarn

4mm needles

Cast on 14 Stitches

knit 10 rows in garter stitch(every row knit)

Cast off

Wrap a length of yarn around centre to make a bow

Add button or decorate with beads etc

crochet a tail and add to back of butterfly 

Copyright © 2021

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Ribbon Bookmark


Oddments of dk yarn, small amount of ribbon

4 mm needles

Knitted sideways

Worked in garter  stitch( every row knit)

Cast on 30 stitches

Knit 5 rows

Next row: knit 1, yfd knit 2 tog. To last stitch, knit 1

Knit 5 rows

Cast off

weave in ends

Thread ribbon through eyelet row leaving a length both ends

Copyright taffylassknits© 2021

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Trailing Flower Bookmark


Oddment of eyelash yarn

Ready made or crochet cord


 4mm needles 

cast on 30 stitches

Knit 2 rows

Next row: slip 1, knit 2 tog psso: repeat to last stitch to  end

Cut yarn and thread through stitches pulling tight to make a flower.

Add button and attach cord to back

Copyright © 2021

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Cat Tea Cosy


Cat tea cosy

Fits 1 cup tea pot 

Approx 25  grams Dk yarn in main colour and approx 5 grams in contrast

3.75 needles

2 buttons for eyes 

Oddment black felt for nose, few strands white yarn for whiskers

Knitted in garter stitch throughout (every row knit)

Knit 2 pieces

Cast on 34 stitches in contrast yarn

Knit 5 cm

Change to contrast

Knit 4 rows

Change to main colour


Cast off 

Sew side seams and top.  Make face with buttons, felt and yarn for whiskers.  Attach bow.

Bow optional 

Cast on 10 stitches

Knit 6 rows

Cast off

Wrap small amount of yarn around centre to make a bow

Attach to cosy

Copyright taffylassknits© 2021

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to it.