

Friday 31 March 2017

Bambino Baby Doll

Oddments  D K yarn in main colour and skin tone
3.75 mm needles
Small amount of toy stuffing

Cast on 20 stitches
knit 26 rows (garter stitch)  in main colour 
Change to skin colour
Work 10 rows in stocking stitch
Knit 2 together across row

Sew up
Cut off yarn leaving a length to thread through stitches. Pull to close and finish off 

Fold work right  side inside and sew up back seam
Turn work to right side
Stuff  head neck, then sew small stitches around neck and pull slightly
Continue stuffing the body
Sew across bottom

Cast on 8 stitches
Knit 9 rows in garter stitch
Cast off
Sew arm seam, stuff and sew onto body

Cast on 20 stitches
Knit 4 rows
Stocking stitch 6 rows
Knit 2 tog across row
Cut yarn leaving a length to thread through remaining stitches., pull tight and  stitch back seam for  1 cm
Attach hat to head, add ribbon bow
stitch a face with sewing cotton.

Gathered bottom doll
Cut off yarn leaving a length to thread through stitches.
Fold work right  side inside and sew up back seam and along the bottom

Turn work to right side
stuff the bottom part first
Stuff head neck, then sew small stitches around neck and pull slightly

Copyright © 2019
This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Sunday 19 March 2017

Cute Easter Bag

Cute Easter Bag
Oddments of dk yarn
3.75 needles
Fabric flowers

Cast on 16 stitches
Knit 4 rows

Starting with a purl row work in stocking stitch (1 row knit, 1 row purl)

Continue  until 8cm from cast on edge ending on a knit row

Next row: knit (wrong side)
Stocking stitch 3 more rows
Next row: knit ( wrong side)

Change  to stocking stitch starting with a purl row for  7 cms
Knit 4 rows

Cast off

Cast on 20 stitches
Knit 4 rows

  Cast off

Sew side seams , attach handle and sew on flowers

Copyright © 2017

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Friday 17 March 2017

Miniature Easter Sacks

Miniature  Easter  Sacks

Double knit yarn in yellow 
orange fancy or eyelash yarn

4 mm needles

Cast on 18 stitches  in orange and knit (garter stitch) three rows

Change to yellow yarn
Knit 2 rows

Next row: k1, yfd k2 tog to last stitch, k1

Starting with knit continue  in garter stitch (every row knit )until work measures 14cm 

Next row: k1, yfd k2 tog to last stitch, k1

Next row: knit 

Change to orange yarn

knit three rows

Cast off

Fold in half long ways and sew up sides. 
Thread ribbon through eyelet holes

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Miniature Christmas Sacks

Miniature Christmas Sacks

Double knit yarn
White fancy or eyelash yarn

4 mm needles

Cast on 18 stitches  in white and knit (garter stitch) three rows

Change to red yarn
Knit 1 row
Next row : purl
Next row: k1, yfd k2 tog to last stitch, k1
Starting with purl continue  in stocking stitch until work measures 12cm from eyelet row

Next row: k1, yfd k2 tog to last stitch, k1

Next row: purl

Change to white yarn

knit three rows

Cast off

Fold in half long ways and sew up sides. 
Thread ribbon through eyelet holes

Copyright © 2017

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Monday 6 March 2017

Madeline Baby Bonnet

Madeline  Baby Bonnet 

size  3-  6 months
30g DK yarn, small amount of fancy yarn

4mm needles

Cast on 73 stitches in first colour
Row 1: *knit 1, purl 1, knit from * to last stitch, knit 1
Row 2: slip .1, * knit 1, purl 1, repeat from * to end

Repeat last 2 rows 2 more times

Next row: knit
Next  row: knit 2, purl to last 2 stitches, knit 2
Repeat these 2 rows  till work measures  5 cm ending  on right side

Change to colour two and knit  next 2 rows
Next row: knit
Next  row: knit 2, purl to last 2 stitches, knit 2
Repeat the last 2 rows for 2 cms ending on a knit row
Next row: knit (wrong side)

Change to colour 1 continue in stocking stitch working 2 knit stitches at start and end of purl rows
until work measures 13 cm  from cast on edge

Change to second colour and  knit 2 rows

Change to first colour
Shape crown
Next row: *Knit 6, k2 together, continue till last stitch, k1
Purl and every alternative row:
Next row: *Knit 5, k2 together, continue till last stitch, k1
Next row: *Knit 4,  k2 together, continue till last stitch, k1
Next row: *Knit 3, k2 together, continue till last stitch, k1
Next row: *Knit 2, k2 together, continue till last stitch, k1
Next row: *Knit 1,  k2 together, continue till last stitch, k1
Knit 2 tog across row

Cut othe yarn long enough to thread through remaining stitches pull tight and secure. Sew seam to the garter stitch row at start of crown shaping.

Sunday 5 March 2017

Maisie Baby Bonnet

Maisie Baby Bonnet size  3-  6 months
20 grams each of dk yarn in two contrast colours
4mm needles

Cast on 74 stitches

Row 1: *knit 2, purl 2, knit from * to end
Row 2: * purl 2, knit 2,  repeat from * to end

Repeat last 2 rows twice

Cast off in rib and  sew seam
Add ribbon decoration

Cast on 74 stitches in colour 1
Row 1: *knit 2, purl 2, knit from * to end 
Row 2: * knit 2, purl 2, repeat from * to end

Repeat last 2 rows twice more

Next row: knit
Next  row: knit 2, purl to last 2 stitches, knit 2
Repeat theses 2 rows  till work measures  5 cm

Join in colour 2 and knit next 2 rows

Next row: knit
Next  row: knit 2, purl to last 2 stitches, knit 2
Repeat the last 2 rows for 2 cms ending on a purl row

Knit 2 rows

Change to colour 1 continue in stocking stitch working 2 knit stitches at start and end of purl rows
until work measures 13 cm  from cast on edge

Change to 2 colour and  knit 3 rows
Shape crown
Next row: *Knit 6, k2 together, continue till last stitch, k1
Purl and every alternative row:
Next row: *Knit 5, k2 together, continue till last stitch, k1
Next row: *Knit 4,  k2 together, continue till last stitch, k1
Next row: *Knit 3, k2 together, continue till last stitch, k1
Next row: *Knit 2, k2 together, continue till last stitch, k1
Next row: *Knit 1,  k2 together, continue till last stitch, k1
Knit 2 tog across row

Cut othe yarn long enough to thread through remaining stitches pull tight and secure. Sew seam to the garter stitch row at start of crown shaping.

Add ribbon ties and decoration