

Monday 12 December 2016

Rose Baby Hat

Rose Baby Hat

Size 0-3 months
Approx. 40 grams DK yarn
4mm needles

Cast on 66 stitches
work 8 rows in k1, p1 rib

change to stocking stitch and starting with a knit row
work until work measures 13 cm

 Next row (right side) * k2, yfwd k2 tog, repeat to end

Continue in stocking stitch starting with a purl row for another 4 cm from eyelet row

Cast off

Sew back seam
Thread ribbon through eyelet holes and pull and tie ribbon

Copyright © 2020

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Bethany Baby Hat

Bethany Baby Hat

Size 0-3 months

40g double knit yarn
4mm needles

Cast on 66 stitches

Row 1: *Knit 4, purl 4  continue in pattern from * to end
Row 2: *purl 4, knit 2  continue in pattern from  * to end

Repeat these two rows one more time

Row 1: * Purl 4, knit 4  continue in pattern  from * to end
Row 2: *knit 4, purl 2 continue in pattern  from * to end

Repeat these two rows one more time

Continue working in these 2 blocks for 15cm

Next row (right side) * k2, yfwd k2 tog, repeat to end

Continue in pattern for another 4 cm from eyelet row

Cast off

Sew back seam
Thread ribbon through eyelet holes and pull and tie ribbon

Copyright taffylassknits © 2019

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Sunday 4 December 2016

Anya Baby Hat

Anya Baby Hat
Approx 40 grams D K yarn
4 mm needles

cast on 66  stitches

Row 1: *Knit 4, purl 2, knit from * to end
Row 2: * purl 4, knit 2 knit from * to end

Continue in pattern for 15 cm

Next row (right side) * k2, yfwd k2 tog, repeat to end

Continue in pattern for another 4 cm from eyelet row

Cast off in rib pattern

Sew back seam
Thread ribbon through eyelet holes and pull and tie ribbon

Copyright © 2016
This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Monday 21 November 2016

Festive Wrist Cuffs

Festive Wrist Cuffs

DK yarn
Eyelash yarn small amount
4 mm knitting needles

With eyelash yarn cast on 36 stitches

Next Row: k1, p1, repeat to end

Work 3 rows in eyelash yarn and then change to your D K yarn

Continue in rib pattern until work measure 7cm from end of eyelash border.

Cast off in rib
Sew Seam

Copyright taffylassknits © 2016

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Sunday 13 November 2016

Mini Christmas Tree

Mini Christmas Tree
3.75 needles

Small amount of Double knit or sparkle yarn

Cast on 14  stitches

Row 1: *k1, p1 repeat from * to end

Row 1: *k1, p1 repeat from * to end

Continue in k1, p1 rib  decreasing each end of 6th  and then every 4 th row
until 4 stitches

Next row : k 2 tog twice
Next row k2 tog and fasten off

Attach a loop of ribbon to hang
and decorate your tree

Friday 11 November 2016

Hanging Christmas Tree

Hanging Christmas Tree

3.75 needles
Double knit yarn
Small amount of eyelash yarn

Cast on 20 stitches in eyelash yarn and knit 3 rows
Join in d k yarn and continue as follows

Row 1: *k1, p1 repeat from * to end

Row 1: *k1, p1 repeat from * to end

Continue in k1, p1 rib  decreasing each end of  3rd  and then every 4 th row
until 10  stitches

Continue in rib decreasing each end of every other row until 4 stitches
Next row : k 2 tog twice
Next row k2 tog and fasten off

Attach a loop of ribbon to hang
and decorate your tree

Thursday 10 November 2016

Miniature Ribbed Dress

Miniature Ribbed Dress
4ply yarn in 2 colours
3.25 needles

Abbreviations m c (main colour), c c ( contrast colour)
Cast on 40 stitches in main colour
Row 1 *k2 m c, k1 c c, repeat from * to last stitch (weaving yarn as you go), k1 m c
Row 2:  k 1 m c, p1 c c, * p 2 m.c , k 1 c c,  repeat from. *

Continue pattern for 4 cm

Next row: k 2 tog across row
Next row: purl

Knit 5, cast  on 6 stitches, knit 10 stitches, cast on 6 stitches, knit 5
Next row: knit

Next row: * k3 k2 tog,  repeat from * to last 2 stitches, k 2
Next row: knit

Cast off

sew back seam

Saturday 5 November 2016

Miniature Dress and Bonnet

Miniature  Dress and Bonnet
4ply yarn
3.25 needles

Cast on 40 stitches
Knit 2 rows
Work 8 rows in stocking stitch
Next row: k 2 tog across the row

Knit 5, cast  on 6 stitches, knit 10 stitches, cast on 6 stitches, knit 5
Next row: knit
Next row: * k3 k2 tog,  repeat from * to last 2 stitches, k 2
Next row : knit 2 tog to end

Cast off

Cast on 16 stitches
Knit 3 rows
Next row; purl
Stocking stitch 5 rows
Next row: k2 tog across row and leave length of yarn and sew up part of the seam to make a bonnet

Add ribbon ties

Copyright © 2016

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Sunday 30 October 2016

Mini Romper and Hat

Mini Romper and hat
4ply yarn
3.25 needles

Knit 2 pieces

Cast on 5 stitches
Knit 3 rows
Put on spare needle and make another piece
Join both pieces by knitting across them both
Next row: purl
Next row: increase 1 stitch at each ends of row
Repeat last 2 rows until 14 stitches
Stocking stitch 4 rows
Next row: k2tog each end of the row
Next row : purl
Repeat last 2 rows until 10 stitches
Put on spare needle


Cast on 8 stitches, knit across stitches on first piece, cast on 8 stitches , knit across 2nd piece

Next row: purl
Next row: * knit 3, k2 tog, repeat from * to last,  stitch, k 1

Next row: purl
Next row: k2tog across row
Cast off

Cast on 18 stitches
Knit 3 rows
Next row; purl
Stocking stitch 5 rows
Next row: k2 tog across row and leave length of yarn and thread through stitches, pull tight and sew back seam

Copyright © 2015

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Friday 28 October 2016

Megan 4" Doll Dress and Jacket

Fits 4" doll
4ply yarn
3.25 needles

Cast on 30 stitches
knit in garter stitch for 3.5cm
Next row: knit 2 together across row (15 stitches)
Next Row: *knit 1, knit 2 tog, repeat from * to end of row (10 stitches)
purl 1 row
knit 1 row
purl 1 row

Next row:  k3, cast on 4 stitches, k4, cast on 4 stitches, k3
knit 2 rows
cast off
sew up back seam

Jacket Back
Cast on 10 stitches
knit 4 rows
cast on 3 stitches at the start of next 2 rows
knit 4 rows
cast off

make 2 the same
Cast on 5 stitches
knit 4 rows
cast on 4 stitches at the start of next row, knit to end
knit 4 rows
cast off
sew arm, shoulder and side seams

Copyright taffylassknits© 2016

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Lily 4" Doll Dress

Lily 4" Doll Dress

Fits a 4 inch doll

4 ply yarn

3.25 mm knitting needles

Cast on 30 stitches

Knit 2 rows

Next row: k1, p1 to end

Next row: k1, p1 to end

Continue to 3 cm

Next row: , k2 tog, repeat to end. (15 stitches)

Next row: knit 1 knit 2 tog, repeat from * to end (10 stitches)

Knit 2 rows

Next row: k3, cast on 4 stitches, k4, cast on 4 stitches, k3

Knit 2 rows

Cast off

Sew up back seam

Copyright © 2016

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern

Sunday 23 October 2016

Sally Matchstick Doll Dress

Sally Matchstick Doll Dress

Matchstick doll

4ply yarn
3.25 needles
Cast on 40 stitches
Knit 4 rows
Continue in stocking stitch until it measures 4 .5 cm

Next row : knit 2 tog across row
Next row: purl 2 tog across row
Work 2 more rows

Next row: knit 3 cast on 3 stitches, knit 4, cast on 3 stitches, knit 3

Knit 1 row

Cast off

Put dress on your matchstick doll and sew up back seam

Monday 10 October 2016

Grace Clothes Peg Dress

Grace Clothes Peg Dress

clothes peg approx. 8 cm long
Pipe cleaner
Narrow lace

4ply yarn
3.25 needles

Cast on 60 stitches
Knit 2 rows
work in  stocking stitch (1 row knit, 1 row purl) until work measures 6 cm

Next row : knit 2 tog across row
Next row: purl 2 tog across row
Next row: knit 2 tog across row (8 stitches)

Work 4 more rows in stocking stitch
Next row (wrong side) knit one row

Cast off

Put dress on your peg doll and sew up back seam
Gather lace to make  sleeves and attach to dress to cover pipe cleaner arms

Copyright © 2016

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Matchstick Doll Dress

Matchstick Doll Dress

4 ply yarn
3.25 needles

2 matchsticks to make the doll

Cast on 16 stitches
Knit in garter stitch for 3 cm

Next row: knit 2 together across row
Next row: knit 1, knit 2 together across row to last stitch, knit 1

Next row: k1, cast on 3, k3, cast on 3, k1

Knit 1row

Cast off

Put dress on your matchstick and sew back seam also a stitches to fit it around neck and waist

Thursday 6 October 2016

Dolls House Cushions

Dolls House Cushions

oddments of 4 ply yarn
3.25 knitting needles

large cushion

cast on 10 stitches
working in stocking stitch 1 row knit, 1 row purl  for 8 cms

cast off
sew up side seams and fill with stuffing
close top

Small cushion

cast on 8 stitches
working in stocking stitch 1 row knit, 1 row purl  for 6 cms

cast off
sew up side seams and fill with stuffing
close top

Dolls House Folded Jumper

Dolls House Folded Jumper

oddments of 4ply yarn
3.25 knitting needles

cast on 7 stitches
knit 2 rows

next row; purl 3, knit 1, purl 3
next row: knit

repeat last two rows until work measures 7 cm ending on a knit row
next row: purl
 cast off

turn knitting to wrong side and fold each up to the middle
overstitch side seams and catch the centre join with a few stitches

cast on 14 stitches
knit two rows
cast off

catch the ends with a stitch and place collar onto the top of the jumper
attach the front to the jumper and do the same at the back.

finish off with pearly gems

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Sally Clothes Peg Dress

Sally Clothes Peg Dress

clothes peg approx. 7 cm long

4ply yarn
3.25 needles

Cast on 40 stitches
Knit 2 rows
work 4 rows in  stocking stitch (1 row knit, 1 row purl)
Next row : knit 2 tog across row
Next row: purl 2 tog across row
Work 2 more rows

Next row: knit 3 cast on 4 stitches, knit 4, cast on 4 stitches, knit 3

Knit 1 row
purl 1 row

Cast off

Put dress on your peg doll and sew up back seam

Friday 23 September 2016

Skirt and Top for Barbie

Skirt and Top for Barbie
Oddments dk yarn
Size 4mm needles

Cast on  60 stitches
Knit 2 Rows
next row:  knit 4, purl 2, repeat to end of row
Next row: knit2, purl 4, repeat to end of row
Repeat last 2 rows  until  work measures 7 cm
Next row: k1,  k 3 tog across row till last 2 stitches, k2
knit 3 rows
cast off
sew back seam

Cast on 40 stitches
Knit 2 Rows
Next row:  knit 4, purl 2, repeat to end of row
Next row: purl 4,  knit 2, repeat to end of row
Repeat last 2 rows  1 more time
Next row: k2 tog across row (20 stitches)
knit 1 row
Next row: knit 5, cast on 6, knit 10,  cast on 6, knit 5
knit 2 rows
cast off
sew back seam

Copyright taffylassknits© 2016

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Sunday 21 August 2016

Mia Lolly Stick Bride Dress

Mia Lolly  Stick Bride Dress

Lolly stick approx.  11 cm high
Smaller lolly stick for arms
4ply yarn
Small amount of eyelash yarn
3.25 needles

Cast 30 stitches with eyelash yarn 
Knit 2 rows

Change to 4ply yarn and  stocking stitch one row knit, one row purl
Knit until work measures 6cm

Next row : knit 2 tog across row (15 stitches)
Next row: purl 2 tog across 4 times evenly across the row  (11 stitches)

Work 4 rows in garter stitch

Next row: knit 3 cast on 4 stitches, knit 5, cast on 4 stitches, knit 3

Knit 1 row
Rejoin eyelash yarn 

Cast off

Put dress on your spoon doll and sew up back seam

Copyright © 2016

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Knitted Snuggles

Knitted  Snuggles

4 ply yarn
3.25 needles
2 buttons and small amount red felt


Cast on 80 stitches
Knit 2 rows
Change to stocking stitch and continue measures 4 cm

Next row: knit 2 tog across row
Next row: purl

Put aside on spare needle


Cast on  40 stitches
Stocking stitch for 7cm
Next row: Knit together one stitch from skirt and one stitch body using main colour

Continue in stocking stitch till measures 13 cm

Next row:  Knit 2 tog across row

Leave length  of yarn and thread through stitches and pull tight

Sew back and  stuff , then sew bottom seam

Add buttons  for eyes, alternative sew eyes 


Cast on 12 stitches knit 2 rows
Next row, knit 2 tog knit 8, knit 2 tog
Next row: knit
Next row: knit 2 tog, knit 6, knit 2 tog
Next row; knit
Next row: knit 2 tog, knit 4, knit 2 tog
Knit 4 rows
Next row: k1, kfb, knit to last 2 stitches, kfb, k1
Next row: knit
Next row: k1, kfb, knit
Knit 2rows

Cast off

Attach to the head

Copyright © 2016

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Saturday 13 August 2016

Rosetta Spoon Bride Dress

Rosetta Spoon Bride Dress

small crafting wooden spoon approx.  9 cm tall
4ply yarn
3.25 needles

Cast on 60 stitches
Knit 4 rows

Next row (Pequot edge)
K1,  * yfd k2 tog, repeat from * to last stitch, k1

Change to stocking stitch one row knit, one row purl
Knit until work measures 6cm

Next row : knit 2 tog across row
Next row: purl 2 tog across row

Next row: k1, k2 tog, repeat to end of row. (11 stitches)
Work 3 more rows in stocking stitch

Next row: knit 3 cast on 4 stitches, knit 5, cast on 4 stitches, knit 3

Knit 3 rows

Cast off
Sew up Pequot hem
Put dress on your spoon doll and sew up back seam

Cast on 20 stitches
Knit 2 rows

Next row knit 
Next row k2, purl to last 2 stitches, K2

Continue until it measures 6cm

Next row k2 tog across row

Leave small length of yarn, tread through stitches and pull tight

Attach to head with a little glue

Copyright © 2016

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Willow Spoon Dress

Willow Spoon Dress
small crafting wooden spoon approx.  9 cm tall

4ply yarn
3.25 needles

Cast on 40 stitches
Knit 2 rows
Continue in stocking stitch until it measures 4 .5 cm

Next row : knit 2 tog across row
Next row: purl 2 tog across row
Work 2 more rows

Next row: knit 3 cast on 4 stitches, knit 4, cast on 4 stitches, knit 3

Knit 3 rows

Cast off

Put dress on your spoon doll and sew up back seam

Saturday 6 August 2016

Bella Spoon Dress

Bella Spoon Dress

small crafting wooden spoon approx.  9 cm tall

4ply yarn
3.25 needles

Knit 2 pieces the same

Cast on  5 stitches

Knit 18  rows

Attach to spoon body by crossing over below arms

Cast on 20 stitches
Knit 2 rows
Continue in stocking stitch until it measures 4 cm

Next row : knit 2 tog across row
Leave short length of yarn to thread  through  remaining stitches
pull tight and attach to waist.

Sew back seam

Sunday 24 July 2016

Band Egg Cosy

Band Egg Cosy
Oddments of double knit yarn
3.75 knitting needles

Egg band

Cast on 24 stitches
 knit  6 rows

Cast off

Sew side seam


Cast on 8 stitches
Knit 2 rows
Next row : k2 tog, knit to last 2 stitches, k2 tog
Next row: knit
Next row: k2 tog, knit to last 2 stitches, k 2 tog

Knit next 3 rows

Next row: k1, kfb, knit to last 2 stitches, kfb, k1
Next row: knit
Next row: k1, kfb, knit to last 2 stitches, kfb
Knit 2 rows

Cast off

Saturday 23 July 2016

Slit skirt and top for Barbie

Slit skirt and top

small amount of double knit yarn and eyelash or similar yarn

3.75 knitting needles

Slit  skirt

Cast on 24 stitches
Knit 4 rows

Next row: knit
Next row: knit 2, purl to last 2 stitches, k2

Repeat last 2 rows until it measures 8 cm

Next row: knit
Next row: purl

Repeat last two rows twice more

knit the next 4 rows

Cast off

Sew side seam from the end of the knit border to waist.

Cropped top

with eyelash yarn cast on 20 stitches

knit 4 rows
next row: increase 4 stiches across the row

knit 3 rows

next row; k1, p1, repeat to end of row

cast off in rib

sew up back seam

Copyright taffylassknits© 2016

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Friday 1 July 2016

Lucy Dolls Dress

Lucy Dolls  Dress
To fit doll 6 half inches tall

 small amount of double  knit yarn
Needles 3.75 mm

Cast on 30 stitches
Knit 2 rows

Next row: knit
Next row: purl

Repeat last two rows 3 more times

Next row: knit 2 tog across the row

Knit 5 rows
Next row: knit 4, cast on 4 stitches, k  7,  cast on 4 stitches, knit 4

Knit 1 row

Cast off

Sew back seam

Copyright © 2016

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Rainbow Baby Hat

Rainbow Baby Hat
Size: Newborn

Materials: double knit yarn
Needles size 4mm

Cast  on 128 stitches

Knit 8 rows

Next row: k2tog to end of row (64 stitches)

Row 1: knit to end
Row 2: Purl to end.

Repeat these two rows until work measures  11cm from decrease row

Shape Crown
Row 1: *k6, k2tog* repeat to end
Row 2 and all alt rows - purl  
Row 3: *k5, k2tog* repeat to end
Row 5: *k4, k2tog* repeat to end
Row 7: *k3, k2tog* repeat to end
Row 9:  *k2, k2tog* repeat to end
Row 11: *k1, k2tog* repeat to end
Row 13: *k2tog* repeat to end

cut yarn long enough to thread through the remaining stitches and sew up side seam.

Copyright © 2016

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern.

Thursday 2 June 2016

Misty 4" Doll Dress

Misty 4" Doll Dress

4 ply yarn
3.25 mm needles

Cast on 30 stitches
Garter stitch 2 rows

Change to stocking stitch and work till it measures 3 cm

Next row: k1, k2tog repeat till end (20 stitches)

Cast off 6 stitches, purl  8 and work on these stitches as follows

Next row: knit
Next row: k1, purl to last stitch, k1
Next row: knit
Next row: k1, purl to last stitch, k 1

Cast off
Rejoin yarn to last 6 stitches
Cast off

Sew back seam

using three strands of yarn make ties to fasten

Copyright © 2016

This pattern may not be copied or reproduced or republished without permission on another webpage or website. If you want to share this pattern please post the link to the pattern

Sunday 29 May 2016

Scarlet 4" Dolls Dress

Scarlet 4" Dolls Dress

To fit  4 - 4.5" tall doll

4 ply yarn
3.25 mm knitting needles

Cast on 60 stitches

Knit 2 rows

work in stocking stitch until work measures 6 cm

Next row: k3 tog, repeat to end of row (20 stitches )
Next row : purl
Next row: knit
Next row: purl

Next row: k5,  cast on 5 stitches, k 2 tog, k6, k2 tog,  cast on 5 stitches,  k5

knit   2 rows

Cast off

Sew back seam